About Leslie Lovejoy

Leslie Lovejoy, has been intrigued by art since she was a child growing up in Paris, France with her family. Her father was stationed there while working with the Army Corps of Engineers.

After studying Fine Arts at Colorado State University, she traveled back to Europe, the Middle East and the Far East, illustratingLeslie Lovejoy painting as a child her way around the world for almost ten years.

She has lived in Steamboat Springs for 38 years, working as a graphic artists, and using her artistic skills in all work that she has done. Many of her pieces are “plein aire” style, painted while on her frequent hikes, canoes and skiing in the backcountry.

Leslie’s love of winter backcountry skiing and landscapes has not only been expressed through her art but also through her involvement with the preservation of these precious “quiet-use” areas on our public lands. Leslie, as the director of the Friends of the Routt Backcountry (a chapter of the Colorado Mountain Club and Winter Wild Lands Alliance), along with a dedicated group of local volunteers efforts, has resulted in one of the first USFS designated non-motorized use areas of almost 25,000 acres within the Routt National Forest.

Leslie lives with her husband Mark at 8,700 ft. in an old gold mining township in their strawbale home which they built in 2008. Go to page 22 in the At Home article to read the article about the building of this environmentally correct home.  They ski from their home and are surrounded by national forest and much of the inspiration seen in her paintings.

Leslie’s paintings tell a story of passion about the surrounding landscapes she lives in. Capturing a historical moment, historical character, structures or events. Contact Leslie if you have questions about any paintings or interest in a commissioned piece.

Leslie Lovejoy bio image

Leslie Lovejoy