Andy Dennison – Lama Konchog

Andy Dennison – Lama Konchog

Andy Dennison – Lama Konchog Portrait

In the early 60s, Andy gravitated to Steamboat Springs where he found a home and lifelong friends at The Barn in Strawberry Park. It was here that I first met Andy, as his friendship with Wayne Kakela, the owner of the Barn made him a regular visitor.

“Andy always had a caring way with youth. Soon he was teaching at The Lowell Whiteman School. The “demanding” job description included leading foreign trips, one being an expedition to Everest base camp in the Himalayas.

Andy returned to Nepal many times. There on mountain paths he encountered the Sherpa folk and observed the light in their eyes, their presence and sense of contentment and joy. Thus were planted the seeds of Buddhism. Alternating with the Nepal treks were adventures back in the U.S. — hiking, climbing, ski touring (yes, overnights in snow caves) and river running.”  by Catherine Lykken and Molly McClure

This portrait was painted in 2006 from photos taken while visiting Andy and Wayne at the Barn. I listened to hours of stories about running rivers, taking a live turkey on a river trip for a Thanksgiving feast on the river, feeding the ants at the river put-in and being reprimanded by the river ranger. Andy’s portrait was taken in the boat shed with his Buddhist robes and river hat and tarp over his shoulders.

Wayne Kakela’s portrait show him sighting his oar in the boat shed.

Portrait - Wayne Kakela

Purchase price is $300. plus shipping and measures 23″x18″. Comes with a set of small prayer flags that have been blessed by many friends.

Contact me directly to arrange purchase and shipping or fill out my form and I will respond as soon as possible
